BAS with momentum introduces 'velocity' to the detecting rules of basic BAS. It is more like the individual version of BSO The paper of this algorithm is not available now. If you have any question, please contact Xiaoxiao Li (xiaoxiaoli1993@sina.com)
BASoptim2(fn, init = NULL, lower = c(-6, 0), upper = c(-1, 2), constr = NULL, c = 2, l0 = 0, l1 = 0, eta_l = 0.95, step0 = 5e-05, step = 0.8, eta_step = 0.95, n = 200, seed = NULL, trace = T, steptol = step0/2, pen = 1e+05, w0 = 0.7, w1 = 0.2, c0 = 0.6)
fn | objective function; function need to be optimized |
init | default = NULL, it will generate randomly; Of course, you can specify it. |
lower | lower of parameters to be estimated; Default = c(-6,0) because of the test on Michalewicz function of which thelower is c(-6,0); By the way, you should set one of init or lower parameter at least to make the code know the dimensionality of your problem. |
upper | upper of parameters; Default = c(-1,2). |
constr | constraint function. For example, you can formulate \(x<=10\) as \(constr = function(x) return(x - 10)\). |
c | the ratio of step-size and search distance d. $$d = \frac{step}{c}$$ |
l0 | position jitter factor constant.Default = 0. |
l1 | initial position jitter factor.Default = 0. |
eta_l | attenuation coefficient of jitter factor.$$l^t = \eta_l * l^{t-1} + l_0$$ |
step0 | the minimal resolution of step-size |
step | initial step-size of beetle.$$step = \eta_{step}(step-step0) + step0$$ |
eta_step | attenuation coefficient of step-size.$$step^t = \eta_{step} * step^{t-1}$$ |
n | iterations times |
seed | random seed; default = NULL ; The results of BAS depend on random init value and random directions.
Therefore, if you set a random seed, for example, |
trace | default = T; trace the process of BAS iteration. |
steptol | default = step0/2; Iteration will stop if step-size in current moment is less than steptol. |
pen | penalty conefficient usually predefined as a large enough value, default 1e5 |
w0 | inertia weight; default = 0.7 |
w1 | weight of the difference between left and right antenae. default = 0.2 $$v = w_0v-w_1dir(f_{left}-f_{right})$$ |
c0 | the ratio of maximal speed and initial step.$$v_{max} = c_0step$$ |
A list including best beetle position (parameters) and corresponding objective function value.
#======== examples start ======================= # BAS application on Michalewicz function library(rBAS) mich <- function(x){ y1 <- -sin(x[1])*(sin((x[1]^2)/pi))^20 y2 <- -sin(x[2])*(sin((2*x[2]^2)/pi))^20 return(y1+y2) } fit<- BASoptim2(fn = mich, lower = c(-6,0), upper = c(-1,2), n = 100, trace = F, c = 0.4,#d = 1.2/0.4 = 3 step = 1.2, seed = 1, w0 = 0.4,w1 = 0.2, c0 = 0.6) fit$par;fit$value#> [1] -4.965421 1.569728#> [1] -1.967772func1 <- function(x){ sum(x^2) } fit<- BASoptim2(fn = func1, lower = c(-100,-100), upper = c(100,100), n = 100, trace = F, c = 20, step = 100, seed = 1, w0 = 0.5,w1 = 0.2, c0 = 0.6) fit$par;fit$value#> [1] 7.320204e-06 7.091455e-05#> [1] 5.082459e-09func2 <- function(x){ sum((abs(x)-5)^2) } fit<- BASoptim2(fn = func2, lower = c(-10,-10), upper = c(10,10), n = 100, trace = F, c = 5, step = 5, seed = 1, w0 = 0.2,w1 = 0.2, c0 = 0.6) fit$par;fit$value#> [1] -5 -5#> [1] 1.871564e-13#======== examples end =======================