第 9 章 已发表工作
9.1 工具箱/软件
9.2 论文
- Xiangyuan Jiang, Shuai Li,BAS: Beetle Antennae Search Algorithm for Optimization Problems,international journal of robotics and control. DOI:https://doi.org/10.5430/ijrc.v1n1p1
- Jiang X, Li S. Beetle Antennae Search without Parameter Tuning (BAS-WPT) for Multi-objective Optimization[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1711.02395, 2017.
- Wang J, Chen H. BSAS: Beetle Swarm Antennae Search Algorithm for Optimization Problems[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1807.10470, 2018.
- Wang T, Yang L, Liu Q. Beetle Swarm Optimization Algorithm:Theory and Application[J].arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.00206, 2018
- Lin M, Li Q. A Hybrid Optimization Method of Beetle Antennae Search Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization[C]. ECAR 2018. ISBN:978-1-60595-579-7
- 赵玉强,钱谦.一类带学习与竞技策略的混沌天牛群搜索算法[J].通信技术,2018,51(11):2582-2588.
- 吴歇尔. 面向多无人机的协同任务预分配及重分配研究[D].南昌航空大学,2018.
- 王甜甜, 刘强. 基于BAS-BP模型的风暴潮灾害损失预测[J]. 海洋环境科学, 2018, 37(3):457-463.
- 骆正山,姚梦月,骆济豪,王小完.基于KPCA-BAS-GRNN的埋地管道外腐蚀速率预测[J].表面技术,2018,47(11):173-180.
- Sun Y, Zhang J, Li G, et al. Optimized neural network using beetle antennae search for predicting the unconfined compressive strength of jet grouting coalcretes[J]. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2019, 43(4): 801-813.
- Zhang X, Yang Zhi, et al. Conditioning Optimization of Extreme Learning Machine by Multitask Beetle Antennae Swarm Algorithm[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.09100, 2018
- Sun J, Zhang J, Gu Y, et al. Prediction of permeability and unconfined compressive strength of pervious concrete using evolved support vector regression[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2019, 207: 440-449.
- Sun Y, Zhang J, Li G, et al. Determination of Young’s modulus of jet grouted coalcretes using an intelligent model[J]. Engineering Geology, 2019, 252: 43-53.
- Qi F, Wang Q, Xu L. Disease classification model based on Qubit neural tree networks[C]//2018 9th International Conference on Information Technology in Medicine and Education (ITME). IEEE, 2018: 154-158.
- Zhu Z, Zhang Z, Man W, et al. A new beetle antennae search algorithm for multi-objective energy management in microgrid[C]//2018 13th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA). IEEE, 2018.
Chen T, Zhu Y, Teng J. Beetle swarm optimisation for solving investment portfolio problems[J]. The Journal of Engineering, 2018, 2018(16): 1600-1605.
陈婷婷, 殷贺, 江红莉, 等. 基于天牛须搜索的粒子群优化算法求解投资组合问题[J]. 计算机系统应用, 2019, 28(2): 171-176.
- Dianna Song, Application of Particle Swarm Optimization Based on Beetle Antennae Search Strategy in Wireless Sensor Network Coverage, International Conference on Network, Communication, Computer Engineering (NCCE 2018)
- 李明富,凌艳,曹勇.基于BAS TSFNN的水质监测方法研究[J].湘潭大学学报自然科版,2018,(3):100~103
- 陈君宝,王宸,王生怀. 基于变步长天牛须搜索算法的空间直线度误差评定[J],工具技术, 2018年第8期。
- Wang C, Ren C, Li B, Wang Y, Wang K, “Research on Straightness Error Evaluation Method Based on Search Algorithm of Beetle,”, Wang K, Wang Y, Strandhagen JO, Yu T, eds. (Springer Singapore, Singapore, 2019), pp. 368-374.
- Wang J, Chen H, Yuan Y, et al. A novel efficient optimization algorithm for parameter estimation of building thermal dynamic models[J]. Building and Environment, 2019,153,233-240.
- 杨广;基于多区域局部自适应特征的工业机器人自主目标识别与抓取[D];浙江大学;2018年
- 邵良杉,韩瑞达. 基于天牛须搜索的花朵授粉算法[J]. 计算机工程与应用, 2018, 54(18): 188-194.
- 肖振久,姜东,张晗等.增强奇异值分解的自适应零水印[J]. 中国图像图形学报,2018,10.
- 肖振久,宁秋莹,张晗,唐晓亮,陈虹.NMF和增强奇异值分解的自适应零水印算法[J/OL].计算机应用研究:1-7[2019-01-28].https://doi.org/10.19734/j.issn.1001-3695.2018.09.0751.
- 邹东尧,陈鹏伟,刘宽.基于天牛须搜索优化的室内定位算法[J].湖北民族学院学报(自然科学版),2018(04):427-431+455.
- Ghosh T, Martinsen K, Dan P K. Data-Driven Beetle Antennae Search Algorithm for Electrical Power Modeling of a Combined Cycle Power Plant[C]//World Congress on Global Optimization. Springer, Cham, 2019: 906-915.
- Obstacle Avoidance and Tracking Control of Redundant Robotic Manipulator: An RNN based Metaheuristic Approach(已被ieee transactions on industrial informatics录用)
- Li Q, Wei A, Zhang Z. Application of Economic Load Distribution of Power System Based on BAS-PSO[C]//IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. IOP Publishing, 2019, 490(7): 072056.
- 基于SABAS不同环境下的MPPT控制方法[J/OL].电力系统及其自动化学报:1-7[2019-05-28].https://doi.org/10.19635/j.cnki.csu-epsa.000224.
- 基于改进天牛须算法-优化极限学习机的地源热泵能耗预测研究
- 基于数据挖掘的空分装置工艺仿真与工艺参数优化
- Lin X, Liu Y, Wang Y. Design and Research of DC Motor Speed Control System Based on Improved BAS[C]//2018 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC). IEEE, 3701-3705.
- 吴强,张伟,杨慧婷,汪朝盈.基于天牛须算法的粒子群算法在PID参数整定上的应用[J/OL].电子科技,2020(06):1-6[2019-09-19].http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/61.1291.TN.20190712.1328.034.html.
- 丁为杰. 无人机自主电力巡线关键技术研究[D].山东大学,2019.
- 王凡. 基于天牛须搜索算法的人群疏散方法及仿真研究[D].山东师范大学,2019.
- 陈馨凝,刘辉,刘雨薇,邹琪骁,李侯君.基于BAS-BP模型的电缆阻水性评估研究[J].湖北工业大学学报,2019,34(04):35-39.
- 含分布式电源的配电网重构研究
- 殷献勇. 基于SaltStack的vCPE云端服务部署系统的设计与实现[D].北京邮电大学,2019.
- 一种基于天牛须算法的新型超宽带功分器研究
- 卢光辉,滕欢,廖寒逊,吴泽穹.基于改进天牛须搜索算法的分布式电源选址定容[J/OL].电测与仪表:1-7[2019-09-19].http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/23.1202.th.20190719.1255.006.html.
- Fei S W, He C X. Prediction of dissolved gases content in power transformer oil using BASA-based mixed kernel RVR model[J]. International Journal of Green Energy, 2019, 16(8): 652-656.
- Li Q, Wang Z, Wei A. Research on Optimal Scheduling of Wind-PV-Hydro-Storage Power Complementary System Based on BAS Algorithm[C]//IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. IOP Publishing, 2019, 490(7): 072059.
9.3 专利
- 基于天牛须搜索的SDN网络中多目标组播路由路径构建方法(2017112674013)
- 奇异值分解和天牛须寻优算法的灰度图像自适应增强方法(2018102015635)
- 基于天牛须算法和数学形态学的射线图像焊缝提取方法(2018103673035)
- 一种基于天牛群优化算法的激光谐振腔设计方法(2018112408058)
- 基于天牛须搜索算法的空间圆柱度误差评定方法(2018106999239)
- 一种BASA优化GRBF-SVM的液压泵故障检测方法及系统(2018109210959)
- 基于改进天牛须搜索算法的无人机网络资源分配方法(201910001560.1 )
- 一种基于天牛须搜索的无线传感网络分簇路由方法(201811620191.6)
- 一种基于天牛须搜索算法的PID控制器参数整定方法(201811578658.5)
- 一种火电厂汽轮机组瞬态等效热应力在线软测量方法(CN201910285890.8)
- 一种球团原料最佳配比的自动推荐方法(CN201811194347.9)
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